The entrance of the museum
We went first to the famous National Museum. It was overwhelming, so many statues, artifacts, too much to take in. The boys enjoyed the Royal Mummies and of course the Mask of Tutankamon and his carriages, because they were also put in his tomb. Incredible. But the museum is a bit overcrowded with items and it is sometimes hard to understand what you see. Nevertheless it was a highlight!
Then we went to pick up our parcel that had followed us from the Sudan. It contained apart from lots of goodies... mmmm Dutch Cheese and liquorice, also our 'green card', the insurance card for the car in Europe. We were all very pleased.
What did not lift our spirits was the embassy of Syria. We don't know if they will give us the required visa and we will only find out at the border. What can we do...Just go there and hope that they will give us a transit visa, and for now enjoy Cairo.
We saw the Islamic Cairo, the nice souq, the mosk, the citadel with nice view over the city. We walked along the Nile at night and enjoyed the colourful boats and of course the Pyramids.
First we drove to Saqaara to see the step pyramid and the wonderful museum. It was a try out for the famous pyramids in Gizah. We also saw some others and climbed in side the pyramids and it was very claustrophobic. You have to bent down and after a long hot walk you enter the chamber and you realize you are in the middle of the pyramid... quiet something.
At last we went to Gizah on a camel. The boys were overjoyed, but Ed and Helma had another feeling, especially Helma who had some blisters on a special place from the saddle, very uncomfortable. Anyway, it was hot so it was nice that we were taken there by 'the ship of the desert'. The Sphinx was rather small compaired to the pyramids but close by it is very impressive. What an experience.

Mask of Tutankamon
Step pyramid
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